A civil contingency is a crisis that affects the entire community. It includes natural disasters and man-made disasters, as well as medical crises and other events that require immediate action by the whole population of a region. One of the best ways to prepare for a civil contingency is to become self sustainable. This allows you to be prepared for whatever crisis may come your way, so you don’t have to rely on others in order to survive.
Introduction – A history of societal defeat
Most of us have been raised to believe that the worst kind of defeat is military defeat. The idea that a nation can be defeated by another nation has been ingrained in our minds since we were children, through movies and games. These stories have a simple structure: good versus evil—the “good” being whatever group you happen to identify with, and the “evil” being some other group or force. When this conflict is resolved, either one side wins or there’s some sort of compromise that leaves both groups intact.
It’s easy for us to think about such conflicts as separate from our everyday lives because they’re so often presented as something happening somewhere else far away (like in comic books). But what if I told you that our own society was actually collapsing right now? What if there were no superheroes coming to save us? How could we survive then?
The basics of self sustainment
With the threat of civil contingencies on the rise, it is important to ensure that you and your family are prepared for any eventuality. As part of this preparation, you must answer a few questions: are my daily needs being met? What do I need the most? How can I get these needs met in a sustainable way that will last indefinitely? These questions may seem daunting at first, but with some research and effort you can be well on your way to sustainability!
What is self-sustainability? It’s a long-term strategy for survival that combines all aspects of daily life into one coherent system, where every need is met by products or services created by yourself or other members of your community (your group). The goal is not only to survive but also thrive during an emergency situation without relying on outside help from large organizations like governments or corporations.
What does it mean to be self sustainable?
Self sustainability is the ability to sustain yourself without outside help. It means that you can grow your own food, provide your own power and water, defend yourself against attackers, and protect your family and property.
Defining the civil contingency
A civil contingency is a natural or man made event that results in a disruption of normal life. Civil contingencies can be caused by natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes and fires; by man-made disasters, such as terrorist attacks or industrial accidents; or even by accidental damage to critical infrastructure systems.
Civil contingencies often affect multiple jurisdictions and may cross state borders. Therefore, they require coordination across government agencies at all levels of government including local authorities (e.g., fire departments), state governments (e.g., emergency services) and national governments (e.g., military forces).
Preparing for a civil contingency
Preparing for a civil contingency can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. You just need to remember that your plan should be a living document that you review and update every 6 months or so. This way, you’ll keep up with any changes in your life, whether they’re big ones like moving or having children or little ones like changing jobs.
First off, make sure your plan includes everyone who lives with you (if applicable), as well as any pets that might need extra care. If there are other people who depend on you in some way—a parent or elderly relative—make sure they know where the emergency supplies are kept and how to access them if necessary. It’s also important not only have everyone put together their own bug out bags but also practice using them at least once per year (more often if possible). This will help ensure that everyone knows what goes where and how much weight is needed for each person carrying a bag as well as give them confidence about being able to handle whatever comes their way during an evacuation scenario when supplies run low due to inclement weather conditions such as flooding or wildfires causing road closures between townships/townships which prevents residents from reaching stores before closing hours due to lack of available gasoline stations open after 6pm due when most drivers stop filling tankers full at pumps because none were willing donate time during lunch break without being paid overtime wages – especially since no one could get anywhere without paying more than $60 USD per gallon due having been sold out entirely within 24 hours following news breaking across social media platforms such as Facebook Twitter Instagram Snapchat etc…
Conclusion – How to prepare for the worst
This guide has explored how to prepare for the worst and sustain yourself during an extended civil contingency. While it’s important to be ready to take action, it is also important to be ready to defend yourself if necessary. Being able to defend yourself and your community is one of the most important things you can do when facing a civil contingency. The strategies described above are just some of the tactics that you can use as part of your overall strategy for self-sufficiency, but there are many other options available as well.
There are no guarantees in life—except death and taxes—but by preparing now, you will increase your chances of surviving any number of events that could occur in your community or country. Whether it’s a hurricane or pandemic disease outbreak or nuclear attack that affects everyone around us, being prepared ensures both our survival and well-being when we need it most!
There is no question that the world has become more volatile and dangerous in recent years. The distinctions between war and peace, between military and civilian have become blurred by events like 9/11, the Arab Spring and Ukraine crisis. The fact that we are less dependent on foreign resources than ever before gives us a unique opportunity to chart out our own course for the future, but we must also be ready for when such circumstances do arise. While there will always be uncertainty about how things will turn out in any given situation, preparing yourself now means being better equipped to handle whatever comes your way tomorrow